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Avoid Ghost Touch On Android Devices

ghost-touch-androidIS THE GHOST BOTHERING YOU!


To all moto g4 and g4 plus users who are experiencing ghost touch issues, 

here are some ways to avoid it..

This is a crazy big problem i'm facing right now on my moto, so i can understand the frustration
let me give you some tips ,this is no solution but helps to understand and stay away from what is causing it:

The major reason of  phone malfunctioning is the screen getting heated up by any means. 
Which is quite common to the moto as the phone gets quite heated up during turbo charging so..

Tip 1: 

Do not use the phone while charging with turbo power charger.
It is  recommended to use a normal charger for casual use. Although ghost touches are not observed too much during charging.

Tip 2:
Never use the phone in direct sunlight because it will go crazy when the screen gets hot.

Tip 3:

 Always use the phone on the least possible brightness level. As the brightness level adds to the heating of the screen pretty fast and is not recommended while you are using the moto

Tip 4:

Turn ON the adaptive brightness mode from the display setting option. As it will help you to automatically manage the brightness level depending upon the environment.

happy to share the info

Lenovo why
MOTO is better than this.  


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