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Find fake followers on instagram

unfollow the fake followers on instagram



Wondered why the instagram follower following ratio decreases day by day! 
Main reason is that, there are certain strange people who follows you and most probably you will follow them back after a while these smartasses unfollows you, most probably using automated scripts on thousands of people globally. This shouldn't be entertained so here is simple and easy way to identify and unfollow them without using any api.

This technique is not purely automated, i will explain,

1. Sign in to your instagram account on your desktop.

2. Go to the followers tab(click on followers), now scroll down to the end of the followers list, it is very important that you scroll down to the the end of the list.

3. Inspect element on the current followers window and you may get a number of  lines of code
dont worry do a search (Cntrl+F) on the inspect element window for "data-reactroot"
you may end up with two results take the second result.

4. Right click on the data reactroot line and select "expand all" option. Right click again on the same line and select "copy element" from the "copy" option.

5. Paste it in a file and name it followers.txt and save it in the python directory.

6. Do the same with the following tab, once again make sure you scroll down to the end of the list before inspect element.

7. Save it as following.txt in the python directory.

8. Now download the python script from the link given below:

9. Go ahead and run the script from the directory the files are located, you will be provided with the list of non followers whom you are following in a file named nonfollowers.txt.
Also the list of followers and following in followerlist.txt and followinglist.txt respectively.

Dowload and install python 2.7 : 

For video help:

The easy way to download all the python modules is to install pip which is the python package installer.
There are many methods for getting Pip installed, but my preferred method is the following: 
Download to a folder on your computer. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the folder containing Then run python

How to download offline instagram images check out my python script:


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